terpluver Member


  • Help!! I am binging!! I am trying to put a big old halt on my out of control eating. I can do it! Stay strong ladies!! Totally expecting a gain again this week.
  • Hi Ladies!! I lost 2.5 this week!! I love reading this thread. You rock!! I check everyday and the positive vibe. Joined the gym at work and rented a locker. Going to leave all the shoes and shower schtuff there. Figure it will be one less excuse! Have a great week. Off to make GF cornbread. Andi in Maryland Go TERPS!
  • I have to tell you ladies about my crazy moment. I was talking out loud to my open refrigerator. Yes. Full on conversation. I have a strong willed 5 year old fantastic little girl. She was throwing a teetotal hissy fit and I found myself in auto pilot at the fridge. Out loud I was saying that the food wouldn't make the fit…
  • Go Eatless Go!!
  • Elaine. I do the same thing!! My coworkers see my breakfast thru the mason jar and make gross faces. Okay with me I just tell them it's healthy!
  • Barbie! I love this quote. I am sooooo stealing it from you. I am an instant gratification person and this resonates with me. Love it!! "My quote for 2015 (and the last five years)---The reason most people fail instead of succeed is that they trade what they want the MOST for what they want at the MOMENT."
  • I used to that too. I decided to pare down my choices. Find a handful of recipes that you enjoy and just stick to those. If you get bored find one recipe to put in the rotation. You will find you can prep, etc. when you are using the same ingredients each week. Much more efficient. I am a working mom with an hour commute…
  • Ok... got this forum thing worked and its FRIDAY!! TGIF everyone!! I lost 3 lbs this week. Happy me!! Its not just the weight I am ecstatic about - its how I FEEL!! I feel good despite 'that time of the month'. Love reading through the group you all are wonderful people! Have a great week!! Cheers!
  • MsPirate. You a a better person than me. I can't believe her family didn't help. Positive is the great workout!! Sounds like an emotionally trying time too. Stay strong!
  • I finally figured out how to see everyone's posts. I joined and then couldn't figure out how to "see" you guys!! Hope everyone is having good day!
  • Hi All! I have never ever done something like this but I love the tone of this group. Count me in. I have declared this the year of ME! I am 46 and the heaviest I have been. Made a huge life changes in the last year so I am ready for the next chapter. I just want to feel GOOD, you know what I mean. Not the scale, just feel…