jacquibance Member


  • does any one know if you can actually do this wrong. I know it sounds like a daft question but if your body is lower to the ground is that good or bad
  • wow Cassidy you inspired me after reading all your posts yesterday I went and broke my 2 min barrier that I've been stuck on for ages I'm now at 2.30min two days running. I can't imagine getting past this it killed but I didn't think I'd get to 2 min oh well onwards and upwards hopefully I will be able to surpass this at…
  • you're going good guys. I started the plank challenge but got stuck on 2 mins I'm supposed to be on 150 secs now but I'm still struggling to do 2 mins still doing it everyday though i'll be interested to see how you guys go. It's my first time in one of these community forums so it's all a bit new