

  • Level 1 day 1 DONE! Thanks for all your posts to help motivate me to start again and remind me how awesome of a workout this really is! It truly does show results, QUICKLY!
  • You are all motivating me to start this again. I did this paired w WW and nursing a 3 month old last year and lost a lot! Maybe I need Jillian in my life more than I think!
  • anyone else end up overeating after the kids go to bed bc you can finally eat without 1000 demands and no hands going onto your plate?!?! Just me...?
  • New here. I downloaded MFP app awhile back, but never really used it... I was paying for WW, but finally couldn't afford the membership anymore. I had lost about 20 pounds in 2013 on WW, but after having an incredibly stressful beginning of 2014, I've gained almost all that weight back. I eat when I'm stressed, when I'm…