I need support too! :)
The replies in this thread are hilarious! To clarify, my bosses are women who are around 8-13 years older than me. We all live in the same city so their offer of riding home (and not from home to work) is very convenient as our city is very far from the office. I normally go to work through public transportation, so I only…
Hi! I started two weeks ago and lost around 10 ponds since! Add me up. :)
I suggest you try alcohol somewhere safe (like at home or with a small group of friends) first so you won't be pressured into drinking too much or at all at the party. Your boyfriend should learn to trust you and you should be able to talk to him too. Nevertheless, it's your choice if you want to. :)
Me too! Just last year I weighed 15-20 pounds lighter. I'm also at my last semester of college and it sucks having to squeeze time for exercise, unlike when you don't have all the tests and papers to worry about. Food options are hard too! Add me up if you want. :)
Add me! I'm new here and I really need motivation. Please? :)