EmCoco1128 Member


  • Again, thank you everyone! It is months of good choices, zumba, water aerobics, spontaneous elliptical/bike sessions at the Y and walking my awesome dog! I love the feeling of the stamina Ive gained. I couldnt last more than 2 minutes on the elliptical before and now its so awesome to be doing 15 minutes or more!! I love…
  • Im having trouble posting the pictures. Here is a link that I hope works http://i288.photobucket.com/albums/ll168/emarendt1128/Mobile%20Uploads/WLpost_zps9hiboktv.jpg
  • Just updating everyone.... i have officially hit the -100 lb mark!!!!!! :) :) HALLELUJAH! Ill try to post an updated picture soon!!!!
  • Thank you all for the kind and uplifting responses. It really does make me feel better..... I am so positive about everything. For additional info for those who may have wondered. I have lost 24 inches since the first. I am going to attach 2 before pictures from the beginning of January and today. I am wearing the exact…