sydneymae20 Member


  • That was one of my first thoughts. I've been on different medications in the past, but finally have been able to stick with Effexor and Wellbutrin for the past 2 or 3 years. I don't think hunger or weight gain is a side effect of either of them. Weight loss and loss of appetite is actually a side effect of Effexor. >.<…
  • You're right. I suppose I was just looking for an easy fix, and I've learned in the past that isn't the best way to go about things. Thank you. :) That's a great idea. I really need to be more mindful when it comes to my eating habits. Thank you. :) I'll look into pu-erh tea, and I definitely need to consume more water.…
  • Thank you! :) Yeah, I really need to work on drinking more water. Thank you. :)
  • You're right. I never used to have this issue, I think my body has become accustomed to eating too much and it needs to adapt to eating less again. Thank you. Thank you so much. :) Very good point. Thank you. :) You're right. I need to be patient and do this right. Thank you. :)
  • I need to keep trying that. I have before and I still had that uncomfortable hungry feeling in the pit of my stomach. Maybe I need to drink more. Thank you. :) I have been on medication and in therapy for going on 6 years now. I will definitely try discussing it further with my doctor. Thank you. :)
  • I'm trying to get more into drinking tea! I've only really ever had green tea, so I'll definitely give that a shot. Thank you. :)
  • My goal is to take in 1,700 calories a day. 2 lbs per week is my weight loss goal, but just starting out (again), I may adjust my goal to 1 lbs per week.