rayas1 Member


  • I recently started using Old Bay seasoning with a little onion powder and paprika. It was something different and I loved it. I also started adding fruit in whenever I made a salad with grilled chicken. I find that I'm more satisfied with it as a meal than if I just left veggies in it.
  • I'm trying to lose 100+ pounds too. I lost 55 in 2013 and gained back 60 throughout the past year. I know how tough it is, but focus and determination will get us there. We got this!
  • Hi All. Restarting from 2013. I lost 55 lbs between April and August 2013. Got into a car accident that september and issues with my back made me quit in the gym. On top of that, I had a lot of emotional issues, including the death of my mother contribute to gaining 65 lbs since then. I'm restarting more for my mother's…
    in Restarters Comment by rayas1 April 2015