EmBurney Member


  • Hey there! I'm currently giving it a go myself (first week done), but not for medical reasons - I've found in the first week I'm more clear headed, less bloated and have way more energy, so far so good, and have lost a bonus kilo. I'm still figuring it out as I go, if you want a buddy along the way, add me if you like :)
  • I also do this daily! Not only has it saved so much time and decreased on the spot meal planning in which I'd normally over-eat; it's also taught me to stick to routine and pay closer attention to my macros.
  • Hey there! I'm on 1200 a day too and have 4.5kg left to lose after losing 3kg over the last month :) I'm also vegan, so luckily I get to eat huge amounts for that 1200 and feel really full 90% of the time (the other 10% is when I have too many beers haha). Any of you feel free to add me! :D
  • Been vegan for 6 months; happy for you and anyone else in the thread to add me!
  • Hey there! Best of luck with your vegetarian adventures! I'm vegan, so always looking for more friends on here who don't eat meat! Feel free to add me!:)
  • Hey there! I've been vegan for only 6 months but I'd love to add you and chat sometime! :) Anyone else feel free to add me too :smiley: whoo hooooo! More people powered by plants!