Sean_TheITGuy Member


  • You're right. I guess I was speaking in broader generalities than the diet you or I eat, but my point was similar to yours, I just phrased it poorly. If we (as a society) could eat what your grandparents ate, and do the work your grandparents did, we'd have far fewer obese, diabetic, and heart unhealthy people. In today's…
  • Short of a metabolic disorder, your body won't harvest large amounts of muscle for energy while it still has glycogen or lipid (blood sugar or fat) to consume. If you don't use your muscles at all then you may lose some via atrophy, but just eating at a reasonable calorie deficit won't make your muscles shrivel up.…
  • I'm pretty sure I didn't generalize. Everything after this message I couched in terms of how it helps Me. It's not true for everyone, but I'm also not an aberration.
  • I just addressed this, probably while you were responding. Calorie excess puts on weight. 100% true. No argument. You are right. Its basic physics and you are correct. However, I can't eat high carb and stop before I go over on calories. I can eat low carb high fat and feel satiated, full, satisfied, and happy and not go…
  • Winter is coming matters to bears, not to me. I live in Northern Canada, and I can tell you I don't need an extra spare tire to survive. You just put on a coat. And nothing grows here in the winter, but lots seems to grow at the supermarket. Nutritional availability doesn't change based on climate for people in North…
  • Yup. The glycogen doesn't hold the water, so much as the solution your body makes to have somewhere to PUT the glycogen (in your muscles, mainly) consists of 1g of glycogen and 3g of water. Having high carbohydrate levels in your diet (and thus your body) means your body has to hold a a bunch of extra water to keep all…
  • No, let me use smaller words. The carbs are there in breast milk because babies bulk up quick, and carbs let them jack up their weight quickly. We, as adults, don't need to put on so much weight. That's the answer to the question of "if carbs are bad, why are they in breast milk". They are there because babies nutritional…
  • Babies are doubling in weight every few months. If you want to do the same, eat a high carb diet just like they do. Animals are fatted before slaughter by eating a high carb diet. If you want to get fat, do what they do. Bears eat high carb fruits to excess in the fall, to put on a thick layer of fat for winter. etc etc..…
  • I wonder if in some women the uterus moves substantially, similar to the liver causing side stitches. It would be hard to keep your lower abdomen tensed enough to stabilize that area. Interesting.
  • Do doctors prescribe phentermine, or are you getting it some other way? Do you notice any of those side effects? I think the potential downsides outweigh the health risks of my level of obesity, but I could see it having utility for those who's obesity is a clear and present danger to their immediate health. Mind if i ask…
  • True enough, however referred pain makes the perceived location of pain a complex method of diagnosis.
  • While your second statement is true, it's a lot easier to be in a caloric deficit if you're not crashing your blood sugar from a carb heavy diet all the time. Fat and protein are a lot more even release energy sources, while carbs are gasoline thrown on a campfire. All woosh and fireball and then gone, leaving you jonesing…
  • hear hear. Evidence is truth, and if it works for you, it's true for you. There's a pile of studies that show eating LCHF doesn't increase blood cholesterol levels or pose risk to heart health or anything else. If it works for people, I don't get why people who don't do it get so worked up over those who do.
  • Were you keeping on top of your electrolytes? Often cited as a cause of the keto flu. Chicken broth or even zero calorie sports drinks (not the preferred method, but it works) will help you stay on top of it.
  • Everyone's different. My wife has trouble identifying source and location of pain. Also, I don't get running stitches where you describe. They're lower. Near the middle of my oblique.
  • While there's no eat all you want and lose weight diet, low carb high fat comes close for many people. LCHF doesn't mean you can eat 4000 calories and lose weight, but I know that I can eat all I want, because I often find myself taking a slug of heavy cream late at night just to even come close to my daily recommended…
  • A mirror is real time with instant feedback. You can move around and adjust your posture until you find the most flattering one. Photos are taken without your feedback, and since you can`t see yourself from the camera`s standpoint, you get stuff you're not happy with.
  • The stitches folks often get on their sides while running can be caused by your liver. The liver is basically just hung from a few pieces of connective tissue and can move around quite a bit. Think of running while holding a water balloon by the stem. This is the kind of action your liver takes when running. The stitches…
  • True, but look at the nutritional content of a modern white potato vs an african yam or a lily pad tuber. Similar to comparing a wild crab abble with a honeycrisp apple. They're barely even the same species and nutritionally, the modern ones are delicious and have far more bio available carbs. Also, many keto adherents…
  • This. Any new, and strenuous activity (anything that makes you sore) makes you muscles puff up with water. You're not gaining muscle, but rather your muscle tissue becomes inundated with fluid as a response to the stress you are putting on your muscles. As you work the muscles, they are damaged. Your body goes to work…
  • The fact that you seem to grant equal credence to all food choices, regardless of nutritional depravity.. Some food IS trash. Chips, fries, burgers, pizza. All delicious and fun to eat. If you can eat a moderate amount for the pleasure it gives, fine. As a stand in for a proper meal, it's trash. I'm guilty of eating it,…
  • I don't think many people are limiting vegetables, are they? They might be misreading what a low carb diet entails if that's the case. While one can live on just animal sources of food, to get a full compliment of nutrients, that usually entails eating darn near the whole animal, blood, organs and other such bits that…
  • No kidding. Because someone figured out how to make wheat, then bread, then base a whole society around eating things only squished between two pieces of bread and chasing it with deep fried potatoes, people think we've evolved to live on this trash. Look at how hunter gatherer societies that lived anywhere except near the…
  • Are you on thyroid replacement medication? Synthroid or Armor or something of the like? If so, you shouldn't notice much difference in your TDEE, as long as your medication is at the proper dose. If your bloodwork shows your T4 and TSH are in low or middle of the "normal" range, work with your doctor to slightly increase…
  • While this is true, you have to also take into effect that a body burns fat and proteins less efficiently than carbs, so, effectively, your BMR has increased when you switch to low carb.
  • You'll never know your EXACT metabolic rate without getting it professionally measured, and that costs money and is kind of overkill. If you look up any of the myriad of BMR calculators on the internet, you can enter your basic states like age, gender, height, weight, etc and it will give you a number in the ballpark. The…
  • BMR is your Base Metabolic Rate. The rate that your body burns calories just being alive. Another one you'll hear is your TDEE (total daily energy expenditure) which is your BMR plus all the calories you burn during your daily activities (walking, talking, carrying stuff, climbing stairs, etc). Eating under TDEE means your…
  • 10 pounds of water is 10 pints. thats not an outrageous amount of water to drink.
  • Get Chickens. Its cheaper than you think. You don't need heat lamps unless you live north of Alaska. I live in Nova Scotia, Canada. Winter temps get down to about -15'C. As long as they have a draft-free coop to get out of the wind, they'll be fine in the dead of winter well past -15. That's why we humans use their…