The majority of serious athletes in my box use ETP and we have an official ETP coach IN our box so it's awesome! I have had great success with it as have MANY of my friends. It's a good program if you stick to it and trust the process.
Eat To Perform and CF go SO well together!!
Just throw in a OHS or two while you're at it, then you are technically squatting too, so there can be no argument. :)
Yesterday was tabata wall balls for warm ups, then snatches, push jerks & front squats for my lifts followed by 21-18-15-12-9-6-3 of 125# deadlifts & KTE. I haven't looked at today yet, I'm too tired to think about it!
My seven year old banged out all kinds of HSPU, but she's tiny and a gymnast LOL. I did it scaled and got 105, which was the highest scaled female in my box, so I'll take it!
Just starting….curious.
15.3 was one of my favorites (scaled, anyway). I did 750 reps. We'll see how 15.4 goes considering I just did a 30-20-10 last night with 75# C&J and my shoulders are crying today.
I LOVE to row! We had a team row a thon where we rowed 42000 meters as a team of 3 and it was SO fun. I am struggling with DU's right now, and I'm not sure I'll EVER get a pull up!!
I'm signed up too, but relatively new (November) so I'm not real sure what to expect! I can lift the RX amt usually, but I can't do a lot of skills yet like HSPU or T2B or KTE, pull-ups, etc…we shall see what happens!!
I'm not Paleo, but I tend to ALMOST follow the ETP plan. I watch my macros and try to keep my protein way up but also to fuel my body with carbs before and after workouts.
I just put it in as "vigorous calisthenics" assuming that's pretty close, for as many minutes as it takes me to complete the WOD.
I just started CF in November and I'm LOVING every minute. It's the craziest thing I've done and the most physically challenging for sure but worth it SO much. I've RXd 3 WODs now and gotten some good gains on my lifts so I know I'm improving every time! Keep it up!
Jumping rope and deadlifting over 200 gets me every time!!
I sometimes get headaches right after a heavy lift or after a lot of upside down types of motions.