

  • I'll probably catch flack, but I was the same way until I started following a ketogenic diet. The only time I wasn't hungry was while I was eating and a couple hours after the meal. I had resigned myself to the thought that I'm going to spend 50% of my waking hours hungry to achieve and maintain a lower body weight. I have…
  • For anyone who reads this that is itching to criticize the ketogenic diet, please take what I'm about to say into consideration: I doubt if any of us who follow this diet are saying that THIS IS THE ONE TRUE WAY! What we ARE trying to say is that this is a viable alternative and may be a particularly desirable one if you…
  • HARDER? What you don't seem to understand is that it's actually EASIER. LIGHT YEARS EASIER! I'm eating roughly the same calories I have been since the end of August, all that's changed is my dietary macros. The reason I LIKE this way of eating is that, unlike the entire month of September and October and beginning of…
  • I'm happy to oblige. 1. Long term effects of a Ketogenic Diet in Obese patients ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2716748/ 2. Neuroprotective and disease-modifying effects of the ketogenic diet ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2367001/ 3. A review of the therapeutic uses of very-low-carbohydrate (ketogenic) diets…
  • Many of the "magic" attributed to coconut has to be viewed within the context of where the people bursting with good health were originally observed. It's easier if I c/p the abstract of the PubMed article. The most important thing is that the people are eating high fat diets with moderate or low carbs. That's the key. You…
  • You really have no idea what you're talking about. I'll gladly direct you to published medical studies proving there is no unusual harm/danger to kidneys. There IS an increased risk of kidney STONES, IF you don't drink enough water. Basically eating a ketogenic diet is tricking your body into operating as though it's on a…
  • Grace, Keto is NOT a high protein diet. You shouldn't get more than 30% of your calories from protein, less is better for most people. If you're drinking enough water (the rule is whatever feels like enough, then double it) incorporating healthy fats, greens, non starchy veggies and nuts everything should be okay. You can…
  • This is my first post on this forum but I did want to give you my personal experiences so far, Mia. I'm calorie counting while following HFLC. I've been slowly edging my carbs down since late September and finally took the full blown plunge six days ago. All I've been telling my husband since is how much better I feel! Not…