egsimi Member


  • The weight loss stopped about two months prior to the surgery... it was a simple hernia repair and should not have gone any deeper than the outer muscular wall.
  • Yeah, my diabetes is well under control, my doctor took me off all my meds in August, my blood sugar is at or below 100 both after fasting as well as 2hrs after dinner. I started measuring in September, my baseline was in February so there was a lot of change in those 7 months... i measured two weeks ago, my waist didn't…
  • I have a scale, everything gets weighed... that's how I was successful for the first 100lbs... I didn't change anything except slight reductions in caloric intake and the weight loss just stopped in its tracks...
  • -yes, generally I make a change, let it sit for a few months before getting antsy and making more changes. from April to July i made virtually no changes to things, accepted that I might be at the dreaded "plateau" and let things ride for a couple months. I changed up from the Jogging because that was not a long term…
  • I am getting my BMR from my fitbit Surge and all other online calculators generally line up with it... I am not opposed to the notion that it could be wrong, I am just wary of eating too little...
  • for me losing weight required a big shift in what I eat... whereas I used to eat lots of bready and surgery foods I had to now shift and skip those. Cereal, sandwiches, candy, they are right out. Lean meats, eggs, fresh veggies, at least one fruit a day, some nuts, some cheese and some low fat dairy like Greek yogurt or…