DWiz2626 Member


  • Yeah, machines only. Ok then, 10-15 reps. Yeah, not wanting to get bulky necessarily. I am 6 foot and currently weigh 295 (Started MFP at 360), so I have "size." Went into AFib on Thanksgiving of 2013 because of taking too high a dose of thyroid medicine for too long (I put see a doctor off cause we moved). It took till…
  • Good thread. I have lost 60 lbs in 14 months (50 years old and weigh 294). I am an "experienced" lifter, but limited with a rec room gym at our complex. Motivation is not an issue. My workout is similar to yours cthakkar1985. I did plateau though a few months back. Stopped lifting, and the weight started to come off again?…
  • So, I'm not the only one! Ha. Yeah, I am pretty experienced in weight training, so I know to change it up a bit, but I am limited as I work out at our community gym in our condo complex. It has enough cardio machines, but only a few nautilus machines. Thanks for the confirmation!
  • All I had to do was turn the scale over and read the directions! Nice. I was more curious how often people weigh themselves. The bottom line is that I am losing weight! I just had this little hiccup.
  • Thanks. My bad, it's digital. Wth, analog?
  • New to the community, and just happened upon this thread. (Lost 20 lbs since 11/9). Ive battled weight all my adult life. Been on thyroid meds for 7 years (hypo-severely), and went into A-Fib Thanksgiving weekend 2013. Was just taking too high a dosage for too long. We moved so I hadn't found a new doctor yet, so not my…
  • Thanks. Very informative, especially when you hit a "wall."
  • I was considering asking the same question, so there it is. I have lost 20 lbs since early November so things are working. I have simply changed my eating habits. BUT, until my wife and I can get that ONE big shopping day in where we can have meals planned for a week(s), I was considering shakes/smoothies. It gets numbing…