luv2fly11 Member


  • Onions and Garlic All members of the onion family (shallots, onions, garlic, scallions, etc.) contain compounds that can damage cats’ red blood cells if eaten in sufficient quantities. Garlic tends to be more toxic than onions on an ounce-for-ounce basis, and cooking does not destroy the toxin. While it’s uncommon for cats…
  • Hi... I'm sorry to hear about your kitty. I am not a Vet, but I did a bit a reading on-line and I came across this post. I thought I'd share.. I hope it helps. This is a topic that most pet owners are likely unaware of, and an event today reminded me of that. My receptionist came back from lunch, and almost in passing…
  • Hi.. You're probably not going to like this, but my advice is to quit eating at night. You will eventually get used to it. Just cut back a little at a time until you only get something to drink. My boyfriend loves to eat at night, so I started picking up his habit. Well..I gained a bunch of weight, and couldn't kick the…
  • Hi.. I'm from Montana!
  • Hello.. I'm up to adding a couple new friends. I'm here to lose weight, and give & receive support. I love MyFitnessPal. Lost 3 pounds already.
  • Thank you for your reply! Yes... I am following the program exact. I am weighing everything, and if in doubt.. I round up. I entered everything properly. I am not talking about what I weigh on a scale. I haven't weighed myself since I started MyFitnessPal. I'm talking about the progress report on MyFitnessPal. Isn't it…
  • Thank you for the welcome! Is it possible to add you both as friends? Support and friendship would be fabulous! I'm really new, and just learning how to navigate. Ryan... The best of luck to you.. You'll love this app! And AmigaMaria.. Fantastic! 60 pounds in a year! Amazing results. I have come up below my allowed…
    in Hello Comment by luv2fly11 November 2014