puffbrat Member


  • Are you just trying to increase weight or do actually want to bulk and increase muscle? Regardless, peanuts aren't magical. As @MikePTY pointed out, you should consider using a variety of foods to gain weight rather than having so many of your calories just come from a single source every day for weeks.
  • A stall on the scale from water retention for muscle repair generally shouldn't last 9 months. It sounds like you were eating at maintenance and doing unintentional recomp, but are now losing water weight. Like @cmriverside asked - are you eating the same number of calories now that you were when exercising? I wonder if…
  • I would agree except the disclaimer at the bottom references the US FDA.
  • How much weight? Did you use a different scale 3 weeks ago? Weigh during a different time of day?
  • It can be frustrating, but it's worth it for better accuracy. If you don't want to log while cooking, write everything down on paper and log it later. I also like to create the recipes and input all the ingredients before I start cooking with guesstimates of the weights, so during cooking I just have to adjust the amounts.
  • I'm so jealous you got Mini Eggs! They weren't out yet when I went shopping Friday night.
  • No pics but groceries this week were: Chai latte concentrate Spinach, zucchini, and carrots for salad Deli ham Jello instant pudding mix (to be added to Greek yogurt) French bread garlic parsley basil crushed tomatoes ground beef bell pepper cucumber tomatoes onion bananas strawberries sourdough blueberries lemon lime…
  • Not a substitution, but I fluff up a lot of recipes with zucchini. It adds little to no flavor to most recipes but does add low calorie volume. This allows me to have the same size serving of something for fewer calories, plus the recipe will make more servings of that size.
  • Or they haven't even made it yet but give it 5 stars because it "looks tasty".
  • You say you are a really picky eater but the other guidance you gave is that you won't eat fish. It would be helpful to know what you do like to eat. You might find Pinterest helpful because that is an easy way to find lots of different versions of the same food. Also, it is not too difficult to make the same food have…
  • That's good to know! You're right that I had not heard them described the way you did or as being more like cabbage. Of course now I actually have to try them which is makes my comment a complete fail :D
  • I think there are lots of options for you as a parent, but it's your hip pain that is a really limiting factor. What about yoga or pilates at home? You kids can join you or entertain themselves. Or you could do it after they go to bed. Another poster suggested biking which may be an option for you as a nice family…
  • Congratulations! Has your midwife given you any stretches to help with the sciatic pain? My doctor did when I was pregnant. It didn't fix the issue, but did help. You might also want to look in to yoga for pregnant women. I wish I done more of that as it did help a lot with managing daily life. Pregnancy is constantly…
  • Along with many of the suggestions above - brussel sprouts. I have a lifelong deep hatred of lettuce. I have tried many types of lettuce in many forms throughout my life and it is just disgusting. My husband keeps trying to sell me on eating brussel sprouts by explaining that they just taste like tiny heads of lettuce. So…
  • My wedding rings fit!! My rings stopped fitting a little less than 3 years ago when I was pregnant. Last Friday, my "stand in" ring broke because the band is thin and soft. I was annoyed and decided not to even bother getting it fixed since this was the second time. Instead I went hunting through my jewelry box to see if I…
  • That many steps would be considered active and I agree that 1590 calories is too few for you at this point.
  • I don't have one but it is simply through lack of space. I used one all the time growing up and continued to do so when I moved out and had roommates or lived alone. I was horrified when I started dating my now husband and learned that he didn't have one nor wanted one. Of course we then moved into an apartment with the…
  • You just have to try different things and figure out what works for you. Many people find that exercise helps with depression and anxiety, but the form of exercise will depend on your personal inclination. I will say that diet and exercise don't seem to do anything for my depression. There are a few things I do for myself…
  • Walking is helping you be in a calorie deficit. But that is just one of many ways to do so.
  • A lot sauces, especially soy sauce, are high in sodium. Breads, crackers, and cheese can be as well.
  • So close! Keep going!
  • Don't tell him you will report him to HR. Simply tell him that his comments are inappropriate to leave you alone. Then report him if he doesn't stop. You don't need to warn him you are going to report him.
  • Has your doctor made any suggestions? I would say the biggest thing is to protect and strengthen your core. You might want to do Pilates or Yoga in a studio with an instructor who can help you with adjustments rather than at home. Even doing just a few sessions in a studio to learn better form would be a good idea. I would…
  • I don't like coffee, so I drink hot tea or chai latte.
  • Try adding some of these to your diet: https://community.myfitnesspal.com/en/discussion/10142490/a-list-of-calorie-dense-foods/p1
  • Based on what you input into the guided setup, but you may have selected too aggressive a goal. Or maybe not. Please answer these questions so we can better help you. In short, 1000 calories per day is too few and certainly will not aid recovery from injury. Not to mention it is setting you to potentially fail in this diet…
    in Help Comment by puffbrat February 2020