Pmckinzie, "Do or do not do, there is no try." So true! Yoda tells it how it is.. Another of his to live by: “You will find only what you bring in.” (I try not to think of this as alluding to Crawford's Bourbon Cream Biscuits but methinks it works with those, as well.. sadly.)
All's going wonderfully. These next four weeks will be a good, flourishing time for us. The journey to health is a daily one.. even several times throughout the day. Each time we decide what to nourish ourselves with is an opportunity. If a less-than-ideal choice is made, so be it. There will be another opportunity very…
Okay, I'm in! My goals: Lose 5 pounds Exercise everyday for (at least) one hour Sleep (at least) 7.5 hours/night 5 fruits and vegetables/day 8 glasses of water/daily Lower sugared and processed food intake to just a bite/day