luckynumber4 Member


  • Daily work commute all week, all year... Five miles there, five miles back.
  • As folks have so far only spoken up on one side here, I'll speak for the other: yes, I'm watching both the RNC and the DNC. It's painful at times and I can't stand to watch it all (I am squarely in the DNC camp), I do think it's important to be informed and understand how each side positions itself. I recognize they are a…
  • Hi - I'm a former GOAD-er from years past (10 years ago?). Of all the boards on WW I found this one the most enjoyable and useful. As I went to rejoin WW I learned the boards are going away - as they are one of the places I found the most support (direct and indirect), I was glad to see GOAD picking up in a new place. My…