

  • All ED are in their core a psychological issue. Whether that is starving yourself to organ failure or gorging/bingeing on foods. It's a mental abuse that is manifested in a physical way. A lot of the scaremonger arguments vs. VLCD are inaccurate in order to scare. OP, you're right in asking questions. That does not mean…
  • If they only lost 3 lbs in a year, it's probably incorrect logging or too high intake on TDEE days. Don't blame the diet for poor execution. I lost 2 lbs a week doing this. There's no magic pill. It's an alternative way of achieving caloric deficit. What's amusing are all the opinions and negative nancy comments about a…
  • Ok, back to the top. You're freaking out cause you can't loose 3 pounds for 6 months? I agree with kkimpel and cwlsr. Focusing on health and maintenance is maybe better for your cortisol levels. If you expect to shift those 3 lbs, by doing exactly what you have been doing the past 6 months...then that's your choice to…
  • Ok, I think that you maybe answered your own question here. You upped your TDEE when you started to exercise more. But even if you're blasting it out on the HIIT every other day (which is too often), the steady state at low intensity and lifting does not burn as much as you think, I think. Roughly 300-350 kcal, on HIIT day…
  • Did you up your TDEE level when you started exercising more? Those levels are very coarse. If you upped it and your burns are in between a bit? If you have very stable routines, doing exactly the same thing every day, then TDEE works well, I guess. If your burns are more variable, it's harder to know if your within limits,…
  • I have good experience with IF. I'm loosing weight and it's helped versus binge problems. I don't feel deprived, I can eat what I want within TDEE the next day. It's not one size fits all, for me it works well.
  • Google is your friend. Varady's diet is 4:3. 4 days at TDEE and 3 days on 500-600 kcal 5:2 is 500-600 kcal 2 days and 5 days at TDEE.
  • Sounds about right to me. OP, I have no doubt you're doing everything you can and then some! We're only trying to answer your post. If you eat a bit more due to more and higher intensity workout, could it be that you overestimate your burns a tiny bit? Combined with eating a bit more than you used to. I'd try lowering my…
  • How do you know this for other people's bodies? Slow metabolism might be an excuse that many people use to avoid do the changes needed for weight loss. It does not explain why some people are "naturally thin". I used to be one of those. My friends would ask me how I can eat up to 3000 kcal a day and not gain at all with no…
  • - Are you insulin resistant? -And maybe you need to rethink what your goals are. If you want to loose more weight, dealing with hunger is part of the deal. - Do you really want to pay what it costs to loose those last pounds? - Have you recalculated your TDEE as you lost weight? - Do you keep a detailed food diary with…