Mb0529984 Member


  • http://www.sixsistersstuff.com/2013/01/hawaiian-turkey-burgers-recipe.html This recipe for turkey burgers makes my world go round. They are amazingly juicy. I have made them for a lot of friends and so far everybody likes them. If you are expecting the exact same flavor as a cheeseburger, prepared to be dissappointed. It…
  • Thanks for sharing this post! I am new to running and had no idea. It makes sense, but it was not something that I gave much thought.
  • Hey we are similar! Although my goal isn't quite as low. I am 5'9'' Heaviest 192 (I was prego at the time) 172 not pregnant Currently I am 155 My goal is 140-145 My current BF% is 25, I would like to be about %20 How old are you?
  • If thinking of a big goal try making smaller ones to start out. For example, I started out with about 30lbs to lose, but instead of focusing on the whole 30 I focus on 5lb at a time. Celebrate the 5 you've lost!
  • Keep going man! We all have days that are tough, but if you can power through you will thank yourself later. I have definitely had my fair share of starts and fails when it comes to weight loss, and I always regret stopping. Just think, if you can lose 5lb in 13 days then in a month you could be 10lb lighter. Everyday will…