Lainx20 Member


  • Thanks so much for sharing - this is exactly my feeling.. Like surprised at myself that I felt less feminine. It was like a feeling of loss. Oh well, There are worse things in life, I guess.
  • Your experiences sounds just like mine. I hope your doctor is right (for me too). I'm happy being healthier and losing weight, I think it's the timing - if I lost it all over at the same speed maybe I wouldn't notice - but sometimes the scale is a couple pounds less and it seems like it's all from there! I'm gonna end up…
  • Aww... I didn't think of it that way. Thanks for taking the time to respond, I appreciate it. I just realized my post is a little embarrassing! Haha ^_^**
  • I've been pretty successful losing about 21 lbs since end of Nov2014 and now I'm noticing a considerable ahem... Small sizing of my chest. (Losing my boobs) I still have about 20 lbs to go to my goal weight and I'm freaking out that when I get there I won't have any left! Has this happened to you? Any tips? Thanks in…