

  • obsuremusicreference: aye, Stella's known as 'wife beater' because of its high alcoholic percentage which allegedly causes men to beat their wives. I'm not a fan, but I do like the smell of it when a bottle is opened, don't touch it otherwise. Prefer Kronenbourg if given the choice for European, prefer Asahi if given any…
  • oddrums: I generally weight myself once a week. I think, when I start up on alcohol after reaching my goal, I will give that a shout. It's more data, I like data!
  • segacs: I find the idea of lower tolerance as a result of fitness/healthiness pretty aspirational. I'll use it for the next few weeks! It is nice to have one pint and feel tipsy!
  • Fearlessleader1, golfbrew_matt and segacs, Perhaps moderation is the way forward! It is far nicer to wake up fresh and enjoy the day than to squirm in bed drinking pint after pint of water in the hope of reviving yourself enough to function through the day.
  • Heh, Segacs: The American commercial stuff is far better than our commercial stuff! Either way, it's all pish! It just facilitates a good time with friends... who I'm expected to keep up drinking with! I think I'll keep things in check until I reach my goal. It is so frustrating to lose an entire week for the sake of a few…
  • Ah, more people, thanks guys. wkwebby: That's what I'm thinking, combined with what Cherimoose said earlier about mild ascites. I'm just going to go without until Christmas! 0somuchbetter0: Aye, I'm Welsh and proud! Well, I gave the measurement in liters as I was drinking 440ml cans of the stuff the other night, you're…
  • Hi Vismal, thanks for answering. Yeah, I get what you're saying about intake/output. I think with calories eaten, I'm happy to allow a 10% difference, I understand MFP is not as black and white as it seems in terms of calorie estimates. I do weigh all food and check the diary result against the packaging. I'm good at not…
  • Thanks for taking time to answer. Cherimoose, I wasn't familiar with ascites, that'll be my research tonight. Golfbrew_matt, with Christmas coming up, I guess I want to minimize alcohol enforced weight gain. For scientific research (only science, cough), I will swap beer with gin next time.