paperazzi Member


  • I read that! It was quite informative. Thanks!
  • Here's the original page for you: They're actually really tasty :smile:
  • It sounds like the consensus is that I need a scale to weight foods and stop relying on other measurements. I can do that. To clarify about the 3000 calories: I have never gained weight and been able to eat literally any amount of food I want while maintaining my 110lb frame (I'm sorry, I was one of "those" people, lol). I…
  • Thanks, folks, for your responses. I didn't realize my diary settings were set to private. They're public now. Height 5'4", weight my whole life (naturally) was 110 lbs. Suddenly blasted up to 136lbs in my early 40's, no change in diet. I managed to get myself down to 128lbs through regular intermittent fasting until eight…
  • I had this problem, too. While my body enjoys the stability of a low carb diet, for a few nights I have bad insomnia. (Once, in exhausted desperation after my fourth sleepless night in a row, I took an Ativan which worked great! I wouldn't recommend it as a regular course of action, mind you). The insomnia does go away on…