rwinzer923 Member


  • The other spice that I always use in my stir fry is White Pepper. My hubby really notices is I forget to add. Go easy with it - a little goes a long way!
  • thanks everyone for the feedback! I posted on my FB page and got nothing....guess it's having the right audience!! Looks like I need to at least take a peek at the Jawbone...but I like the looks of the Charge HR. We really need a woman to design a "cover" for these things that you can interchange - more like a bracelet -…
  • New here - switching from Dailyburn tracker - as it won't work with my iphone and I wanted to track sugars which it didn't have. I have now also added a FitBit to my Xmas List! :smile: Ready to get rid of 20-25 pounds that have crept on ever so slowly the last few years but refuse to budge even with my clean eating and 3-4…