GoHybrid67 Member


  • That's how I have it set, and sometimes it works, and the next time it doesn't. *head-desk* Everything that I can think of to change to use the Rift while I'm trying to use it IS, so really don't know what more I can do than keep restarting it and swearing at until it works. And if it still doesn't, just switch to an…
  • What drives me crazy is I'll play it one night, everything will work perfectly fine, then the next day, after changing absolutely no settings anywhere, all the settings are identical to when it worked fine, and the sound is gone. Works fine in Oculus, but as soon as I switch to a Steam game, *poof* audio is gone.
  • A lot of people really like Soundboxing, so I gave that one a go. Three separate times, to really try to give it a chance, then uninstalled it. I just found the screen too cluttered, and felt like I was just flailing to the music vs connecting with any punches. I'm with the folks who prefer AudioShield. Definitely not as…
  • I workout for 45-60 minutes nearly every morning, and all but two or three days have become VR workouts, I needed something lower impact several days a week to counteract all the higher impact Zumba I'd been doing. Current favorites are Holopoint, BoxVR, and Holodance, with Sparc, AudioShield, Fruit Ninja, and Sprint…