My sons birthday is around Thanksgiving, so we give him the option of getting our tree before or after his birthday, I would prefer to do it after because I don't want to overshadow his birthday, but he always wants to get a tree ON his birthday. :lol: So I suppose we will do that again this year, so that'll be next Monday!
Sorry! I don’t get on here on the weekends much. I think the last one I read was The Shadows, I need to reread and catch up. I’m working my way through a list of series right now, I’m rereading some and reading some for the first time. I’m trying to read a classic book in between series, but sometimes I get so caught up in…
I LOVE that series!!! It's definitely one of my favorites!!
Thanks so much for the advice everyone! I think I'll go to Walgreens and get some of those tablets. At least this is an easy fix, hopefully I'll be more aware going forward and won't have any more issues. :smile:
Thanks for the video! The thing is, I love salt. Some of my favorite foods are super salty. Sunflower seeds with the shell, boiled peanuts, etc. I got the stuff to make bone broth today. I had a cup of that every day the first few days but I haven't had any in a while and haven't really upped my salt intake too much. I've…
Thanks, me too!
It was around 2000 mgs Friday so lower than usual. I've been trying to drink some pickle juice every day but I might have forgotten that day. I've also been taking magnesium and calcium.
Application sent Saturday! Waiting for my owl!!! :smile:
I just started week 4 and love it so far! I didn't do the pre-training... didn't see it either... where is this? I would love some motivation too! I tend to do well for a few weeks and then start slacking...
Targaryen or Stark please!!