I have about 100 to lose, more than happy to have new friends :)
34, turning 35 soon :) Want to lose about 100 pounds, trying a new approach this year! Feel free to add me.
No worries, if people want to think low carb means no veggies then there's nothing we can do to stop them, haha. Some things and people are not worth my time!
I wasn't trying to answer for their eating habits, just pointing out that the other person had actually listed vegetables right in their post. That somehow turned into a debate that I wasn't really trying to get into at all.
Actually, they didn't say 5g net carbs. They said 5g sugars. Carbs are not always sugars. 100g of cauliflower only has 1.9g of sugar, for example. Spinach has .4. Avocado has .7. So let's say I have 100g of each in a day of those three and I'm still only at 3. If they DID Mean 5 net carbs then I can only assume that they…
The other person is probably focusing more on vegetables and protein and avoiding fruit, which many people do - I aim for 25g 'net' carbs so I have fruit more often. It depends on the person. Net carbs is the carbs in a serving minus the fibre. For example, 1/2 cup of raspberries would have 12 g of carbs and 6 g of fibre…
They said right in their comment that they eat vegetables, and even listed some. For me, I found gradually reducing carb-laden things and inputting more protein and healthy fats was helpful, and now I am on a low-carb regime. I get lots of veggies - spinach, broccoli, kale, cauliflower, asparagus, etc - small amounts of…
I'm looking to lose 90-100 more, welcome to add me :) I do have a low-carb/keto focus in case anyone here is looking for that sort of thing!
Your body is very used to having easy to access sugars and glucose to fuel it. When you don't provide it with those sources it freaks out and makes you crave them excessively to get things back on track. It's like any addiction - part of it is physical, and your body *will* protest loudly in the hopes that you'll give it…
This recipe! I don't even bother to stick the cauliflower in a food processer, I just mash it up with the cheese and crumble in some bacon. So delicious.