akirkman86 Member


  • I tend to pre-log, especially on days when I am working because I have already packed my lunch and snacks. It helps me to keep n eye on where I am, and to know that I can't just splurge on that cake in the workroom or I'll be eating vegetables only for dinner. However, I do sometimes go in and change... and nothing wrong…
  • I think it's all about a healthy mindset. If every once in awhile you go a bit over your calories, it's no big deal... assuming that many days you are also under, and it balances out! But I wouldn't see any holiday as an excuse to completely binge eat. (And obviously that's not what you're talking about). I don't think…
  • I only drink for very long runs, and usually G2. (like if I'm running 6+ miles). I use a disposable water bottle so that I can toss/recycle it when I'm done drinking or drop it somewhere if I get too annoyed to pick up later (NBD if it gets taken). I'm not a huge fan of carrying it, but I don't mind a fairly skinny bottle…
  • Yeahhh mine looked pretty much the same at my current weight (133) and goal weight (120ish). I mean I know it's not a HUGE difference, but at 5'7", I feel like it should be more.
  • 4/1 = rest 4/2 = 5.32 miles 4/3 = rest 4/4 = 8.51 miles
  • Thanks everyone! I have been running 3 days during the week and a long run each weekend. I guess I will keep that up but maybe check out a different HH plan as well.
  • I also feel like running is very much a mental thing. If you have this idea that you "can't" run, it's going to make it that much harder. On days when I can't mentally get into it, it's way harder... and some days I can run 8+ miles easily. You definitely CAN do it... just start slow! C25k is a great program to get started…
  • Interval training? But I think that's what HIIT stands for.
  • @4leighbee baha at your ticker. 4/1 = rest 4/2 = 5.32 miles PS - in case anyone's following the stroller saga, I splurged on a (second-hand) Bob today! Super excited to take it out for a spin.
  • Congratulations! You look gorgeous!
  • Brush your teeth, go to bed earlier... just don't eat anything at all after dinner if it tends to spiral out of control.
  • I'm currently jogging with a City Mini, which isn't even technically a jogging stroller. I HATE running with the stroller, but I"m not sure how much of that is the stroller versus it's just easier to run without pushing a 30+ lb child! Is it worth spending the extra money for a Bob? I can get a used fixed wheel one for…
  • I think MOST people have that one food that they just can't seem to control themselves around. I know I have a few... like chips, ice cream, most sweets... so I just can't buy that stuff, period. I compromise by buying frozen yogurt bars that are prepackaged into individual portions. Try to come up with some ideas of…
  • My absolute fav.... -1.5 frozen bananas (I keep a big bag of peeled, halved bananas in the freezer at all times) -1 cup liquid - you can use almond milk, low fat milk, a combo of milk and water -1 tbsp natural peanut butter Blend and enjoy. Healthier = frozen berries, spinach, milk/water/juice.
  • My husband could stand to lose a bit of weight and mainly just adapt a healthier lifestyle, but I have learned that it's not something that *I* can make him do. He has to reach the point where he WANTS to do it for himself. Having said that, if you're not happy with the food that your wife is preparing for you, I think you…
  • Hit my goal of 85 miles in March today... going for 100 in April!
  • I am in the same boat. When I FIRST started running I used to get sore, but now I never do. I'm training for a half marathon... 10 miles on Friday, and no soreness whatsoever. Not sure if stats matter at all, but I am 5'7" and 133 lbs.
  • @labyers Congrats on the 5k and welcome!! Super excited.... hit my goal today!!!! And I did 10 miles on Friday, which is the furthest I've done yet. We did it! Post-run selfie. This is my first month doing the running challenge on the board... thanks for welcoming and supporting me! Off to set my April goal! :-D 3/2 = 4.56…
  • @gabbo34 Yes we must be! My HM isn't until June, so I'm sort of ahead... which is yet another excuse that I use when I don't meet my training goals! And I NEVER bring the stroller for the long runs -- I always make sure to do those on the weekend so that my husband can stay with the little guy!
  • I did C25K! I will echo what someone above said.... if it still feels impossible, don't be afraid to keep repeating a certain day or week a few extra times. I did it with a friend, and we both went from zero to 5k in a few months. Now I am training for a half marathon! Definitely get an app... I got some free C25K app on…
  • I haven't lost a toenail yet, but the end of one of my toes has a black and blue bubble... ew. I'm hoping it's not really noticeable to anyone but myself because I am wearing sandals at school today! Sort of frustrated with myself. I'm pretty sure I can still hit my monthly goal, but I haven't been living up to my training…
  • Thanks for the suggestions @shanaber and @skippygirlsmom ! I do use an app that tracks my pace. I guess my concern is that if I only ever train at a pace of say, 10:30 minute miles, how do I know how fast I can actually go in a race, and what if I burn out during the race because I have never gone that fast before? I sort…
  • Got up early to get some work done and instead have been sitting here reading all of this! I'm definitely on the slower side (10-11 minute miles). I haven't done a race yet, although I am doing a 5k in April and a half marathon the first weekend in June. My biggest worry is that I will run too fast during the HM and burn…
  • 3/2 = 4.56 miles 3/3 = 2.26 miles 3/4 = 3.52 miles 3/5 = rest 3/6 = 4.51 miles 3/7 = rest 3/8 = 8 miles 3/9 = rest 3/10 = 5.02 miles 3/11 = 3 miles 3/12 = 4.59 miles 3/13 = rest 3/14 = rest 3/15 = 6.41 miles 3/16 = 2.03 miles 3/17 = 5.0 miles 3/18 = 3.58 miles Total = 52.48 My legs were SO tired by the end of my shorter…
  • 3/2 = 4.56 miles 3/3 = 2.26 miles 3/4 = 3.52 miles 3/5 = rest 3/6 = 4.51 miles 3/7 = rest 3/8 = 8 miles 3/9 = rest 3/10 = 5.02 miles 3/11 = 3 miles 3/12 = 4.59 miles 3/13 = rest 3/14 = rest 3/15 = 6.41 miles 3/16 = 2.03 miles 3/17 = 5.0 miles Total = 48.9 Did an awesome nighttime run tonight..... the weather was absolutely…
  • @cooter_mom right there with you! I used to be convinced that I wasn't capable of running outside because it was so much harder. Now I LOVE to run outside and can't imagine going back! And ran outside all winter, although winters are pretty mild here! We have a exercise bike that I try to use on my off days from running,…
  • I just tracked however many minutes walking and however many minutes jogging each day. Another option is to use an app like Runkeeper which will give you a read on time, distance, and calories burned, and just enter the calories manually. OR you can use an app like that to find out about how fast you walk and run, and then…
    in C25K Comment by akirkman86 March 2015
  • Yeah, I have been running a lot and the long runs completely kill my appetite for the rest of the day. But I try to still eat a reasonable number of calories!
  • I am the same way with wanting to snack a lot in the evening. I let myself have one snack/treat after dinner, and then I brush and floss right afterwards to keep myself from going back for more!
  • A whole wardrobe? Nice! I usually will give myself smaller rewards like Starbucks, manicure, a new pair of jeans or top, new workout tank, etc. But to be honest, I tend to kind of get that stuff from time to time anyway, so it turns out being kind of pointless. At the end of the day, the only reward that's REALLY going to…