goobery Member


  • In my opinion it's what your used to. It takes time to adapt to a new country/ culture etc. for those of you that are born and bred in the US how about some consideration for others that are not used to it. If the shoe was on the other foot do you think we would be as nasty???
  • I moved here from AU and found the same thing. The food is quite different, portion sizes and hard to find healthy alternatives. I also found everything, well nearly everything has high fructose corn syrup which is not good for the waist line. Plus all the hidden sugar and salt in foods. Even the bread tastes sweet…
  • I have a Jawbone UP3 and love it, does heart rate, steps, sleep etc. I bought my mum and sister the Fitbit and will probably switch over just to be social and set competitions eventually. But ultimately I think they motivate you more to move. Everything should be viewed though as not 100% accurate. If you swing your arms…