

  • I'm Andrea, recently married, no children, mad knitter, planning to learn to crochet as I'm expecting a niece in April and all the cutest toys seem to be crocheted.
  • akika on ravelry
  • I have rheumatoid (or psoriatic, who knows!) arthritis and fibromyalgia. I'm supposed to take 2.5mg of prednisone every other day, but I only really take it if I've been getting exercise which tends to leave me in bed for a day or two. I'm a knitter, which has really helped with stiffness in my hands, but also I don't want…
  • Hi, I'm 4'11" and about 145 lbs. I'm aiming to lose about 35, but as long as I look skinnier and my clothes fit better I really couldn't care less what the scale says. I don't actually own a scale, I'm guesstimating my weight (and then converting and rounding, so accuracy is not strong here), but next time I'm at the gym…
  • Hi, I'm Andrea, and I'm a librarian. I love my ebooks, my audiobooks, my paperbacks, my hardbacks... and I'll read just about anything. My goodreads is here, and I'm always happy to add people - you never know who's going to be reading something interesting.
  • I'm 32, recently married (almost 3 years!), have a job (though there's a part of me that keeps going "get a phd anyway, it'll be fun"), and 2 cats. I'm not particularly fat, but I'm fat enough that it's annoying me. I've tried meal plans (and I'm still trying them, I think the ones over here might actually work) and…