eoglevie Member


  • I want the magic number - what real calorie deficit do I need for my metabolism and do I count my exercise against it. I'm so confused! Not eating enough - no weight loss. Eating "too much" no weight loss. So frustrated!
  • Same here. And then guilt hits and I go to the forums. And everything I read says to recognize what sent you back to the food and avoid those situations. Do you ever find yourself wondering right after you caved "did I really just do that? Why did I just do that?"
  • I'll hop on. I'm 45 and while not past the change I am showing early signs. I have always struggled with weight loss and fluctuate between 10-20 pounds overweight. I'm 6' so it doesn't show easily, but I feel it in my clothes. I want to get down to a healthy and strong 160 - 165 but feel trapped. I have tried all calorie…