NeoFresh Member


  • I am that awkward package opener/food chewer/slurpee slurper at the movies. I try to be considerate and slow, but that only makes it worse....Oh, and I once farted while my trainer was holding my feet during sit ups...totally changed our relationship because I couldn't look him in the eye...
  • I do think that the region/culture/subculture that I was raised in and live in have an impact on my health and weight. My family is from the South and obesity is the norm. I am overweight,but not obese. I see this as something that I am fighting to change, but my family and community tell me that I don't need to lose…
  • Emilia, I know that you've seen this before, but maybe another voice will push you in the right direction. Please speak to a professional about the behaviors that you have noticed. You seem to be developing an unhealthy habit that could and already might be negatively impact your life and those that love and depend on you.…
  • Hey emyleer, I just want to give you a word of encouragement. I also have issues with losing belly fat. It seems like my upper body gets super strong and shows results the quickest, but my belly does it's own thing. Just keep going!
  • Thanks Khatmott and Kettiecat. I really appreciate the support. I was using a personal trainer with 24 Hour Fitness. It was a while ago, so I don't really have the plan anymore, but it was a mixture of cardio and weight lifting for nearly every session. I relied heavily on My Fit Foods during this time, but they are…
  • Hi! I have the same problem that I am trying to tackle. I do really well for a little while, and just quit. It doesn't seem to balance out anymore with the weight slowly creeping up. I have decided to literally focus on my goal one day at a time. Thinking about the 6 months that I am taking to reach my goal is too much.