violet4b Member


  • Congratulations - That's a real achievement. I think everyone gains weight when they give up. We think we are hungry but it may be that the body is still missing the toxins thatit has come to rely on. I gave up 30 years ago and of course I gained weight. But I just wanted to reassure you that when you are ready it will…
  • I've got a list - Actually, I should put this up in the snack cupboard: 1 - Do some sewing/ crochet etc ( keeps my hands busy) 2. Tidy the house for 15 mins 3. Weed the garden 4. Do a drawing 5. Work on the online class I'm taking 6. Bath...... 7. Have a sleep - I eat when I'm tired. 8. Have a cup of hot water 9. Do some…