garupo Member


  • This week was a little better. Still some not very good choices and still above my goals, but at least not out-of-control bingeing. Thank you all for the replies, good to know I'm not the only one.
  • Hang in there! You can do this... you might feel trapped now, but you will win in the end if you just keep fighting. There are many days when I feel like what you describe and it's not a nice place to be at. But tomorrow it will be different. Believe in yourself!
  • Me: 0 The Binge: 2 Something happens to me... I try to eat well during meals so that hunger doesn't cause binges mid-afternoon... but then the fact that I feel guilty that I ate too much during a meal causes me to binge. Neverending story.
  • It is May 16 when I found this thread, but I think it's a great idea... I'm currently struggling... and The Binge has been winning. Never too late for a start, right? May 16 to June 16 Me- 0 The Binge - 1 Tomorrow will be different. :(
  • I want to join, I hope it's not too late. I've been overeating a lot lately and I could really use motivation and accountability.
  • I am somewhere between 5'2 and 5'3 and want to lose some weigh that I put on in the last year and a half. I am 25 yo and weigh 120lbs, and my goal is 110 lbs or 50.5kg. It has been difficult lately to stay within my calorie goals, and I would like to have an accountability and motivation buddy. If anyone is seeking someone…
  • Yes! I'm interested too