Apps! Try the free Johnson and Johnson Official 7 Minute Workout. There are longer workouts within it. I also love Runtastic Six Pack Abs (costs a couple of bucks for the real deal). Both of these apps have great workouts that require no weights. You can do them barefoot in a hotel room, no problem.
I used to have really huge legs. For the last 4 years, I've commuted to work by bicycle. The change happened so slowly, I didn't noticed it, but I actually get compliments on my legs now. No joke. I'm riding 5.5 miles each way, so about 55 miles a week at peak weather. 30-mins each way.
5'8", 144, pretty active and eating 1,900-2,200 calories most days! I feel like I'm eating so much more than everyone else here! Goal weight: 138 I recently started increasing the calories I eat for breakfast and lunch, and making them rich in protein and fat. Like, really heavy on protein and fat: avocados, pork,…
We're close! I'm 5'8" Heaviest: 169 (years and years ago) Current: 144 Goal: 138