Thanks to all who replied with solutions or suggestions. Some good suggestions were made that I will try. Won't be reading this post anymore due to the amount of asshattery present. PM me if you would like to discuss further.
Wow ok thanks all, I guess I am just being a wimp about it. I am a firm believer in work is for working and breaks are for breaks. I don't expect people to stop eating because I'm on a diet. I expect people to eat in the place designated for eating. I worked with radiation for a long time. Bottom line for us in that field…
has* a full cafeteria. dont know how to edit.
I was a 2 pack a day smoker. Quit 6 months ago with chantix. If you have never tried it chantix, it was a great tool to help me quit. I tried vaping but I didn't care too much for it.
you click on the person's picture or profile page. from there, there is an "add friend" button
here too. I try to request who I can :) Add me and lets do it together?
Boston MA
Thanks all, I'm down 26 lbs already with a long ways to go. Just found out about this site recently. Clambert, did you do any specific excercises to strengthen the lower back? I've been trying to find one to add into my routine. I may go the route that elphie mentions and see what a physicial therapist may suggest.…
certainly a lot of posts here. feel free to add me too! would love the friends and support!
same here! add me! I'm going to go down the list and add you all too :)
I've been there. Motivation may be your downfall, but determination will keep you on the path. Stay strong. We can do it.