Came back from the dead.
Greeting cards, in case you need to sell them.
Looks awful in glasses
Definitely good taste in dresses.
Likes pretty dresses
Awwww Shucks I appreciate it!!!
That's actually all true
You have cynophobia
Yes!!! Wy eat a scorpion?
I'm gonna go with superhero's girlfriend
Third one. Well defined muscles :)
I actually love being on my period cause I know that the few pounds I gain from bloating will melt away and maybe a few more pounds along with the whole shabang if I'm lucky
Did the same!!! Hi5!
Got incredible foundation!!! I was out of it and didn't like the Mary Kay brand
Meeting the man I'm going to marry <3
It was pretty tough lol I usually had an egg with cheese for breakfast, a salad with low carb toppings like celery and cucumber and 3 cherry tomatoes with chicken on top for lunch. You can also make salad dressing with olive oil and Dijon mustard and red wine vinegar that is amazing with no carbs. And for dinner I had…
Likes to smile, laugh, and enjoy life
Could you take me for a ride?? Pretty please?
I really like Brussels sprouts and eating weird exotic food.
I did Atkins and even after induction I tried to stay under 25 carbs. Lost 20 lbs that way and haven't gained a pound back. That may be a bit extreme though. I still watch my carbs.
20/taken/student? I'm bad at this lol
Yeah!!! You look sweet