

  • SW - 270 Jan 1 weight - 237 EGW - 217 GW - 150
  • I get cold induced asthma and can't workout outside if its even the slightest bit cold. So during the winter I switch my jogs to a treadmill (thankfully my work has one in the office, so I can just use that) and go to group fitness classes, my favorite is yoga. I also use the fitstar yoga or fitstar trainer apps on my…
  • I loooved my Body Media fit until it died, that and wearing on my upper arm was weird, but its data was so good. I tried the Jawbone up24 for a month and hated it. It was so inaccurate and I'd still have to manually log workouts and set it to sleep mode. So I returned it. I'm tempted by the Jawbone up3 or the Fitbit surge.…
  • I'm a pescatarian, but I was having problems with low energy, fatigue and lethargy and started looking for possible reasons why and discovered that iron and b vitamin deficiencies are common in people who don't eat meat or animal products. My nutritionist suggested smoothies with breakfast to help some, that way I get…
  • I for one love spaghetti squash, but does it taste like wheat pasta? Not really. This week I'm using it in Spaghetti squash burrito bowls - Additionally when I'm trying to do more veggies, I up whats in sauces and things so If I make spaghetti…
  • I use this pogo one from target - I like it for several reasons. I don't like bottles with straw type tops, its got an awesome lid that always stays on, its purple, which is the best color and it holds 32 oz. 2 of these babies a day and I'm good. For me…
  • I have a 32 oz reusable bottle for the office and another one for home. I fill them up and try to drink 2 every day.
  • I also don't eat meat, and agree with all the suggestions so far. Especially to watch your iron and b12. I was feeling tired all the time and found that making sure I got some leafy greens in every day helped with that.
  • I love apples and Justin's maple almond butter. Sweet and has protein and fiber to keep me full. The almond butter I buy comes in single serve packets so I know I'm not over doing the portion. Justin's also does a chocolate hazelnut butter that is super tasty if you like chocolate.
  • I've been using an iPhone app called "IntervalTimer" and its fantastic. Lets you set warmup, cooldown, interval lengths and repetitions. Greatist has a good article with other suggestions -
  • Highschool-ish girls at my gym taking selfies in the locker room. PEOPLE ARE NAKED IN HERE! PUT DOWN THAT CAMERAPHONE! Also, people assuming that what worked for them is the only way to do something. Mom, I know you love weight watchers and that is awesome. I'm really glad that worked for you, but it didn't for me.