squigglylot Member


  • For clarification, I didn't say that Keto solved these issues, especially not thyroid. In explaining the thinking behind "get healthy to lose weight", I was simply providing some examples of unhealthy conditions that people may have that prevent them from losing weight, even with caloric deficits. But, I will say that…
  • The idea behind "getting healthy to lose weight" is that many times there is something unhealthy that is causing excess weight: stress, insulin resistance, thyroid disease, etc. I'm sure you understand that there are those who may be at a "healthy weight" who also are not healthy. Certain types of foods (for example, lots…
  • As someone who has done multiple different diets over the past 25+ years ... everything from low fat to Weight Watchers to The Belly Fat Cure to (now) Keto. While the "calorie deficit" advice is ultimately what results in weight loss, the "basics" didn't do. Keto has been the easiest for me to maintain a calorie deficit…
  • In my approximately 6 months of doing Keto, I have had a lot of mistakes to correct. First, I thought that I had to make sure I was hitting the macro percentages/ratios. I found that I needed to focus on grams. It took meal planning and prep to master that. Keto macros are different for everyone, so be sure you've…
  • First of all, the fact that you are losing is good. So don't get discouraged. Are you hitting your daily macros? Remember that keto is macro-focused, not calorie-focused (yes, you have to have a calorie deficit, but properly calculated macros will include that). I miss the full array of veggies and fruits too. But, I have…
  • Years ago, we were doing a weight-loss challenge in our group at the office ... and I learned to calculate my actual loss without the scale. When we would weigh in on the scale, my calculation was within a pound of what the scale said (usually). While there is something to the nutrient makeup of food, the simpler the…
  • There could be a few things factoring into the fluctuations you're seeing on the scale. One culprit mentioned above is sodium. Another could be due to a combination of eating certain types of carbs and increasing your water intake. This can have an impact on how much water is retained in your body. And, finally, if you are…