Bump, Bump :D
Greetings I would love to join this challenge! I used the link in the original message to join the group, I hope this was the correct way to register. If not, could you send me an invite to join? I promise I will be here to support others and give this my BESTEST effort!!!! :D
Hello Everyone! I'm just reading this thread as I thought it would be helpful as I move on to W4D1. Couple tips I have that I got from a running coach, which may or may not be in this thread I apologize if it is a repeat: * Concentrate on landing mid-foot, not on the ball or the heel. This will not only save your feet but…
I'm still coming back daily b/c you folks are so dang motivating. Whether you've made your goal, still working on it or just started all of your stories really relate with me and reconfirm that ... I CAN DO IT!!!!
You all have been so successful and I too believe calories in/calories out is the key along with moving more. I'm just curious how many of you determined your daily calorie budget? There seems to be so many formulas. I once had a doctor tell me that the best formula is to multiple you goal weight by 10 and that should be…
Thanks for starting this thread! It was very motivating to read everyone's stories and I'm super excited to get started on the long-term goal I never quite hit!! Your stories are so motivating make feel like it is possible no matter what age I am (currently 47 :smiley: ) I'm targeting a 67-lb. weightloss so here I go!!!!