

  • I cook 90% of my food in the microwave, 8% in a slow cooker, 2% in a countertop oven. Amazon sells a fantastic fish (I've also used it for chicken)/veggie steamer from Prepworks that I use several times a week.…
  • When berries are in season I buy LOTS of them on sale and freeze them. This works great for strawberries (I slice them up first), raspberries, and blackberries. I recently learned a secret to keeping bananas fresh. But a stalk. When you get home break off each individual banana and wrap just the stem in saran wrap. I then…
  • I love Da Vinci Sugar Free syrups. They have zero everything. I get them from Netrition and add them to desserts as well as cottage cheese/yogurt/fruit. I don't eat any other sugar except natural sugar that is part of fruit. I get migraines but these syrups do not trigger…