She mentioned a roughly 1Kg difference --- not 5Kg By the way, I'm not making that stuff up, it's what all my doctors have told me when looking at my progress and weight changes.
Sorry, my last comment got too separated from the other, this is my first time chipping in here and didn't realize everyone answered back so quickly!! Greetings from Buenos Aires! :)
I started training again 7 weeks ago. Obviously I'm not training as much as I did 10 years ago, but I'm trying to exercise at least 1:30 hours per day, sometimes 2, alternating between training only one sport , going to the gym and walking (What with work and college and everything else, I don't have the time or energy…
That's not always the case. For example, I've been extremely active almost my whole life; at one point (some 10 years ago) I was at the elite athlete level, playing three sports and training over 3/4 hours per day and then plus gym. Then I grew old and when I stopped training and didn't immediately lower my intake I…
Remember that for a given volume, the same volume of muscle weighs more than the same volume of fat.
Also bear in mind that if you're gaining muscle, the scale will show a weight gain even if you're actually "losing" weight. I mean to say, you may be losing fat and gaining muscle, you'll be leaner, but the scale won't show it, it will actually show more Kg but you'll be losing fat anyway. You should also be monitoring…
Buenos Aires, Argentina. And reading the comments I see there are a lot of people outside the US; then I don't understand why most of the threads speak of POUNDS lost, I can't follow any of them, I think in Kilos! 99% of the world uses the metric system, I still cannot understand why we have to accomodate to the other 1%…