

  • Im slowly starting to kick myself in the butt to eat more. I still havent been eating over 1000 calories (yet) but ill get there. Thank you everyone whos taken time to help. Im trying to get better by myself before i go see a professional.
  • Thank you. exactly my thoughts. Im just lucky i didnt read this a week ago..
  • Uh no. This isnt a troll post. And yeah its totally normal to not lose weight while not eating enough. Starvation mode kicks in and my metabolism slows down even more thus causing me to stay the same weight or actually gain weight because when i eat my body will store the nutients and fat so it can survive. So take your…
  • I just figure this is a normal thing and a doctor would get annoyed with me for wasting their time.
  • Tbh important actually really educated on fitness and being healthy but when it comes to myself i don't take anything seriously. I have a mental disorder that attacks my emotions and relationships so i strive to gain control over something. I want to reach my calorie goal but overtime i get close i feel like im failing…