

  • Yes I do agree with you juice is very essential for our body as it provide the fiber to our body and veggies provide iron to our body.
  • Yes it is very important for us that whenever we go for a vacation we always take care of our diet. Diet really plays a important role for maintaining our health, you just use some tricks which like choose hotel or restaurant very wisely, eat once in a day, be active whenever you go out of station for vacation.
  • Many things you can take with sandwich like omelette, boiled egg, salad of different types, soup, any lightly prepared vegetable etc.
  • There are different sites relevant to health which will give the best way or ideas of cooking different meals, there ideas are new as well as healthy also. So I must suggest you take ideas from there to prepare a healthy and interesting meal.
  • Yes most of the time we faced these type of issues, many are saying that please take a one piece of cake or sweet, I think it will better to make some excuses while facing these deter from people and take something else to eat before they give anything sweet.
  • It is very important to take a protein supplement or food rich of proteins because many people become weak if they didn't take protein from any way. Most of the users are using whey protein and got benefit, I think this is best for using it while loosing weight.
  • It is very difficult for a person who is sugar addict and have to leave the sugar, they have live without sugar, sweet, cakes, chocolate etc. Now a days there are many thing available like cakes, pastry, chocolates which are made by using the sugar free.
  • The protein bars are specially used by the athletes who are looking for competitive edge. But a days if anyone wants a nutrition boos or want to boost themselves with protein then they must use protein bar after consulting with your physician or doctor. Protein bars are generally for active people who are looking for…
  • I think you can take any fruit juice and sweet energy drinks which will not let to increase the weight. It is not necessary that you daily drink 1 glass of this pink lemonade packet, you can have it one in a week and on others days you just take other drinks.
  • Yeah you are right, its better you take a desserts which are made in home with sugar free and you can also take the fruits which is best option for dessert.
  • Gaining weight, you have to be worried because gaining weight will invite lots of problems regarding health like diseases like heart problem, blood pressure, sugar etc. So its better to lose the weight and make yourself fit.
  • For body every nutrition is very necessary, it is very essential for our body to have a proper diet. Its better that you must make a proper schedule for your breakfast in which you include everything that you are skipping. You must include everything in your diet which is essential for your body.
  • This post is very genuine and there is a truth in these post which tells that what is necessary for getting a tight flat stomach, it is not an easy as it looks. Thanks for such a nice information.
  • It is not impossible, you should have to do proper planning to achieve that. You should also do exercise daily.
  • It is simple you only have to balance your calorie intake. Keep this in mind that try to take less calories and burn more.
  • I think it is important to weight everything doesn't matter starchy or not, a calorie is calorie doesn't matter where it comes from.
  • I am very much conscious about my eating habits. It is ok if you had eaten more only one day, but yes, you should learn morn from this and try to balance your diet.
  • You should look for jeggings or some stylish slacks and legs, which look like jeans.
  • No, it has not happened to me ever, but I read and see it happens to most of the peoples.
  • You should be aware of all the risk before starting to lift weights. Know rules about membership and ask for PF first.
  • No, I don't eat the vegan diet but I know it has various benefits like it is good for health and the environment.
  • Yeah, same with me. I also noticed, whenever I think of loosing weight I can't but normally without having any specific plan I lose lots more than the planed workout and routine.