becky_day Member


  • Similar here too. Im 33, 5'1'' and currently at 59kg, my ideal weight when Im lean and running a lot is 48kg (I have a very small frame so don't look too skinny at this) Ive been doing keto for a few days and feel good, was in ketosis by end of day 2 and had dropped 3kg water weight which made me feel good even if not real…
  • Hey, Im Beks, Im a 33 year old doctor. 59kg (129 llbs) and 156cm. Going travelling around the world in 6 weeks for a year and want to be 48kg (107 llbs) ideally by end of March. Doing keto as had great success with the same in the past - and managed to keep weight off for a long time. Add me if you're keen Beks