I have to tread carefully here. On the one hand, the idea of PF sounds great and I especially love that they will throw you out for wearing sexy workout clothes and treating the place as your singles pickup facility and that they toss out guys who make a lot of noise while lifting weights, etc, etc. That's just fun for me…
Remember time flies - before you know it, you will have added up a lot of those weekly victories. The key is to keep going and don't stop. It's far more fulfilling than looking up later and finding out you spent those months/years gaining weight, slowly, but surely. Just keep up the fight. I fell off the wagon about 3…
I have celiac disease and find that sugar and junk in my diet is only an issue when I eat packaged/prepared foods instead of cooking my own food. That also doesn't affect the cost of eating as much as buying a basket full of food with "gluten free" on the label.Recipes have gotten gradually better over the past 10 yrs -