Well not in my case, I do eat some high fats but have been eating lowfat mostly.
YUM! When Im off my diet if I go in I like to get the double quarter pounder with cheese and mayo and ketsup and I don't like french-fries a lot so I usually get an order of 10 chicken nuggets with it instead . Then for a dessert I like they're Sundays and cookies but my favorite is the hot apple pies…
that's a good idea ty! The whole wheat breads at Subway don't hurt me I still lose weight with it but I guess it doesn't work for some people. there is a lot of bread in their sandwiches,I suppose it wouldn't hurt to take one half of the bread off. but at this point Im not having any issues with it but ILl consider your…
I thought it was 3 but ok Ive only been eating 1 meal a day at SUbway. 3 would be too boring for me.
Thanks. I also have a rotisserie already cooked chicken by krogers, if I cut off the skin and eat breast meat only put it on missions fat free corn tortilla with fat free pintos and low fat cheese microwave it is also convenient. I could freeze the chicken though and I might do that tonight so it lasts all week as well.
Ok let me restate it and use I statements. perhaps I got abit huffy because of that statement about my post being stupid dibil,I think its rude. But let me say this whatever works for you works for you, if your happy with the results from the lean cuisines and WW dinners then I wont tell you not to do it. I did use to do…
theres been a lot of nonsense in this thread because people keep saying the only danger in those tv dinners are sodium huh? Id say a ton of sugar and white carbs is very dangerous sorry, so I see the nonsense here too.
whats dibil sucrose? nonsense? yes please explain ty.
Ive been addicted to texmex foods the past 25 years of my life. I ahnted vegitables for almost my whole life and here at the age of 48 have decided I love all the pepers and onions and mushrooms in stirfry but peppers peppers peppers and Ill put them in barbecue or on any sandwich. Im also a cinnamon hound like you and…
They will hurt anyone who has diabetis too with all the sugar and white carbs and even if your not diabetic or borderline diabetic like me I just think white carbs and all that sugar in general isn't healthy for you. In my thread Frozen foods and low carbs I was talking about the Atkins frozen meals which I think have a…