nbybutterfly Member


  • Got it! Thank you so much :)
  • Interesting, mine does not show that option. :(
  • Thanks for the information. Not having ever had a device like this or even heard of anyone really discussing the ins and outs I did not realize this is a somewhat common occurance. While I do not like hearing it is a problem that does help me to know I should just wait for a solution instead of jumping the gum and…
  • How do you do a manual sync on the Garmin Connect Dashboard? I thought I did this but it did not work either. Maybe I was doing it wrong. Thanks for the help and for the information.
  • Originally I wanted the Charge HR but saw it would not be released until early 2015. In the past few days I have seen you can purchase them now at select retailers. I have not done a lot of research on the ChargeHR due to the release date but know there are some differences between the 2. Overall you still think you will…
  • I just got my Vivosmart for Christmas. While I have been lazy since then and not working out I have not seen the problem with activities transferring between Garmin and MFP. What I did quickly notice is that the calories consumed is not trasferring. Is this all part of the same problem? Did this feature work prior to…
  • I just starting reading because I got a vivosmart for Christmas. I was very excited and setup everything immediately only to find it will not sync to MFP as it states. It is supposed to connect and even appears to but none of the information connects over between the 2. These was very important to me and sounds important…