dotty_elmo Member


  • I also have Non Coeliac Gluten Sensitivity and it's a massive pain! I'm glad I'm not alone - so many people think your making it up or on a fad diet :) are you finding it easy to manage whilst dieting?
  • Firstly congratulations and of course it's absolutely possible for you on be a size 18 - you're only 3 sizes off (assuming it's British sizes) which isn't that much in the grand scheme of things! Think positive :) I also find that classes are great for exercise - I've recently taken up Zumba which burns off alot of…
  • Hello! Congratulations :D I found that drinking a minimum of 2 litres of water a day helped me alot in the beginning stages.. it helps fight off hunger and helps you feel fuller - although this may not be for everyone! Ive also really got into rice cakes! I know it sounds silly but sometimes they are really dry and if i…
  • Occasionally i find my will power slides slightly and i find motivation in seeing my MFP friends logging weight loss and achievements! It brings me right up to scratch again as i want a slice of that success! We all find motivation in different places.
  • Congratulations! Im also doing this for the same reasons you are :smiley: to be honest the hardest thing to do is get into the right mindset which you have already done! I started doing exercise in classes (which you are also already doing) rather than a solo session at the gym as i found it was more motivational - so you…
  • Just added you :) Im from Gatwick area!
  • Hello, What is the 21 day fix? I wouldnt mind giving it a go with you!