

  • But Harvard is right? It sounds like you are locked into your position and not looking at the avaliable facts.
  • I did a search for .edu and .gov and found multiple studies supporting my openion.
  • Google is your friend. It is easy to find peir reviewed studies. This being said, I don't care to convince you.
  • MomOfOneGirl, it appears that you are correct on the coffee and uninformed about tea. A quick google search found multiple studies with many people for tea. It appears that many of the things you like about coffee are true about tea also. It miight be useful to alternate coffee and tea if you like both.
  • No, no.... Why does 6-8 cups of coffee a day is actually good for you, as it has been shown to protect against a multitude of diseases, including stroke, type 2 diabetes, Parkinson's disease, and Alzheimer's. What is in it that helps?
  • Why? I seem to be missing something. It appears that clinical studies show it does help.
  • I have found no health benefits to rooibos. Am I missing something? I was drinking Blueberry Bliss Rooibos Tea in the evening and Peach something. Based on what I can tell the sweetness comes from the fruit in the mix. I don't know where to find a rooibos with no additional elements.
  • You are right and that is what I am dealing with, but isn't that true of everything. It is not that I love tea, but I am giving up soda and giving up Tang/Cool Aid. I have marginally high blood pressure (prehypertension, not on meds). I have marginally high cholesterol (not on drugs....yet). And I am on a diet. If it helps…