Kaliopix333 Member


  • Agreed! That's why I decided to start with 40! I love my veggies and I'm able to snack on them throughout the day! I think it's more sustainable for me personally in the long run!
  • Low carb high fat! I actually am following the Atkins40... day 4 today... so far so good! But I've never done anything like that before... I've always just focused on getting enough protein (watching calories) and not worrying too much about carbs. so i'm giving this a chance to see how my body responds!
  • This is great, thank you so much!
  • I just want to make sure I follow... So I would need to increase my sodium intake? Have you found the best way to do that? Would adding salt for example to your food be a good way?
  • Feel free to add me! Age: 24 Ht: 5'6" HW:198 SW:186 CW:166 LW:150 GW:140 Active 5/6 days a week with open diary. Currently trying LCHF
  • I absolutely love Jillian Michaels 30 day shred and think it's a great place to start! You can find the first two levels free on youtube and then for level 3 you would have to buy the DVD which is under $10! It gives a great full body workout! The calorie burn isn't huge but I was able to tone up!